Darryl gives master class at Nanjing University of the Arts

Students at Nanjing University of the Arts after a lecture on the jazz clarinet

The delegation from Shandong University of the Arts

Two music chairs

Darryl with pianist Yin Zheng

Our host in Shandong Province, GQ Wang

A performance at Tongji University with Jue Chen (guzheng) and Yin Zheng (piano)

…Followed by a lecture

Yin translates for Darryl

A delighted audience

The delegation from Tongji University
China 20172017-07-152018-05-19https://darrylharperjazz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/darrylharper.pngDarryl Harper Jazzhttps://darrylharperjazz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/nanjing-university-of-the-arts-graduates-show-off-1.jpg200px200px