Part of the beautiful Edenfred campus

The Onus performs at an artist salon

Poet Sara Parrell, philanthropists Jan and Hathaway Terry (the Terry Foundation supports the residency program), and artist Sonya Clark

Dancers with Li Chiao-Ping Dance share reflections during an improvisation workshop with the trio

During a break between sets at Sundance 608

David Wells, our host and director of the residency program

One of David’s spreads

Sonya with cultural policy scholar Eleonora Redaelli
In Residence at Edenfred2017-07-142017-07-16https://darrylharperjazz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/darrylharper.pngDarryl Harper Jazzhttps://darrylharperjazz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/edenfred_0730_029.jpg200px200px